Trailing Behind.
Section 3 and 4 of the Hong Kong Trail.
21.03.2022 - 21.03.2022
Today I decided to do the next two sections of the Hong Kong Trail: Section Three and Section Four. I was a bit confused about how to get to the starting point of Section Three.
It seems when I finished Section Two, I came off the trail slightly too early, then I got a bit lost looking for the bus. I remember thinking to myself I have absolutely no idea where I am. However, I knew, or at least thought I knew, where the end of Section Four was, so I did these two sections in reverse.
To get to the start, or rather end, of Section Four, I took bus number 6 from Exchange Square Bus Station and got off at Wong Nai Chung Reservoir. I should then have crossed the road and found Black's Link. However, I went up the way towards Wong Nai Chung Reservoir by mistake. On the way, I passed some beautiful white bell-shaped flowers. It didn't really matter that I had gone the wrong way, as the only washroom on the whole route was here next to the reservoir, so I would have had to walk up here anyway. I took a quick look at the reservoir, as I always do. The animal headed pedalos on the reservoir were all chained up and not in use due to COVID.
There's a notice board in front of the reservoir showing trail maps, so I was able to work out from that where I should have gone to get to the trail head. As I walked back down, I noticed some very posh looking houses on the hill.
Section Four of the Hong Kong Trail is seven and a half kilometres long. It goes between Wong Nai Chung Gap and Wan Chai Gap. To start it from Section Four of the Hong Kong Trail go to Black's Link. This road was built on the instructions of Major General Wilsone Black. There are not many buildings on this road. Apparently it was built for military reasons to help bolster Hong Kong's defences on the south side of the island.
Once on Black's Link, I walked along this road and then entered Aberdeen Country Park. There should be beautiful views over Deep Water Bay, Ocean Park and Aberdeen Sports Ground near the start of this trail, but the weather was very foggy. I could see lots of mist swirling around the tops of the mountains. I suppose it was fairly atmospheric. When I reached a viewpoint, I did take some pictures of the view, but they were not very good shots due to the weather. There were some lovely flowers near the trail. I took a short detour to look at them. Around this area the trail leaves the paved surface of Black's Link and goes along a dirt track through the forest. It's pleasant and shaded, but you need to watch your feet as there are lots of rocks and tree roots to trip over. At one point, for a few moments, the fog was swept away and blue skies appeared. I thought the weather was going to improve, but unfortunately the blue skies did not last long.
As I said, I did this part of the hike in reverse due to not being sure of the starting point, but I think I lucked out on this decision, as although most of the walk is flat, there is one long steep uphill section and for me it was a long steep downhill section. Yippee!
I'm starting to see that following a trail and sticking to it really is not my style. I'm a bit more all over the place. When I followed Section One, it indicated it was going to Pok Fu Lam Reservoir, but just passed by it from above. I wasn't bothered about that, as I have been to Pok Fu Lam Reservoir several times recently. Section Four claims it goes to Aberdeen Reservoir, but doesn't really. It just goes near. I think I've only been to Aberdeen Reservoir once, so in annoyance, I deviated off the trail to see it and then returned to the trail again. This diversion added another kilometre to my walk. I only went to see Aberdeen Upper Reservoir. If I'd gone to the Lower Reservoir, too, that would have made my walk even longer. I think I'm more into sights than exercise.
After Aberdeen Reservoir, Section Four of the Hong Kong Trail becomes the same walk as Lady Clemanti's Ride. I've done that walk before and it's very pretty. Lady Clementi was the wife of Hong Kong Governor, Sir Cecil Clemanti. Both of them liked to ride their horses round the mountains of Hong Kong Island. Both of them have trails named after them. My favourite part of the trail are the beautiful masonary bridges here. There are also a few interesting war remains, such as ammunition store rooms and pill boxes.
Near Wan Chai Gap, the Hong Kong Trail separates from Lady Clemanti's Ride and becomes Hong Kong Trail Section Three. This section is six and a half kilometres long and goes between Wan Chai Gap and Peel Rise. The whole of this section is on a lovely shady forest path and is crossed by lots of beautiful streams and passes by many pretty waterfalls.
While I was walking along Section Three, Peter phoned me to say the lockdown and compulsory covid testing we were expecting would not be going ahead. Also some of the rules in place for COVID would be relaxed such as: opening up to more flights, reducing quarantine time, gradually opening up again. Thank God. After two years of this, I think we have all had enough.
Near the end of the trail I came to a foot massage path which had lovely brightly coloured poinsettia plants next to it.
I then reached the end of the section and decided to walk the short part of Section Two I had missed out. I was glad I did because it passed another lovely waterfall. I retraced my steps to Peel Rise and followed it down into Aberdeen. The path passed by Aberdeen Chinese Cemetery.
I was tired by this stage so did not really want to look at Aberdeen. I walked past the Aberdeen Tin Hau Temple, which is closed as all religions buildings here are closed due to COVID. I continued down to the waterfront and boarded the number 4 bus. The driver was using kangaroo petrol, as a friend of mine would say, and his passengers were being thrown all over the place. I was glad to get off at Hong Kong University MTR and make my way home. Twenty-five kilometres of the trail are done. Twenty-five left to do. Halfway there.
Beautiful walk again!
I use the phrase kangaroo-petrol too!!
by hennaonthetrek